High Wire Distilling Benton's Smoked Jimmy Red Straight Bourbon Whiskey

High Wire Distilling Benton's Smoked Jimmy Red Straight Bourbon Whiskey

750 mL
Item # 52175

Allan Benton's smoked country hams are the stuff of legend and highly sought after by world class chefs to foodies alike. Notable for their intense, distinctive smokiness made in their slow proprietary fashion at the smokehouse in Tennessee, this incredibly special batch of corn whiskey was made by smoking heirloom Low Country Jimmy Red Corn for a week over local hickory wood hanging along side his famous hams. The grains are then brought back to the distillery in Charleston, and disitlled from a sweet mash and aged for up to three years prior to bottling to preserve the perfect balance of intense smokiness and classic bourbon character. Limited availability.

$74.96/ Single Bottle
$449.76/ Case of 6
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