Ritual Sister Smoked Pineapple Spirit By Matchbook Distilling Co.

Ritual Sister Smoked Pineapple Spirit By Matchbook Distilling Co.

750 mL
Item # 49151

Being an experimental distillery in perpetual search of new flavors, it isn't always easy to categorize the output from a producer like that so it's natural to look for references. The closest comparison for this head turning Smoked Pineapple spirit would be mezcal. The production even follows very similar methods if you could imagine the pineapples standing in place of the traditional agaves. The fruit was even cooked in a handmade earthen oven and cooked with embers from local timbers infusing it with smoke along the way. The spirit is tropical, savory and spicy all at once with a round sleek texture and mineral like finish. There is nothing else like this out there today and supplies from this one-off batch are very limited.

$59.96/ Single Bottle
$359.76/ Case of 6
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