Rare, hard to find and just exquisite. This dry, complex Manzanilla, named "Navazos," was created by two sherry experts for the love of the wine. They stumbled on old casks at Bodegas Sanchez Ayala, a local boutique bodegas and the project was born. The casks, or Botas, are numbered in sequence. Following the tradition of Sanlúcar, this Manzanilla is aged along a dozen scales that are frequently run (refreshed) with small sacas or wine drawn out from the solera.The original grapes are single vineyard and this sherry is produced in minute quantities. You will find broad, complex notes of tangy salted cashews, seaside toffee under aromas that evolve as the wine sits in glass. Appropriate for all sherry geeks and a fine partner to any tapas, especially with pork.